by Gail Allen Astrologically speaking, every year between the Full Moon in July until the New Moon in August, we enter what is called the Lions Gate Portal. This is the time when the star Sirius is most visible from earth, just before sunrise in the eastern sky. Supposedly, it reaches its peak on August 8th. Is this true? Is it real? Who’s to say? It’s become widely popular, so let’s explore the energy it’s said to bring! Being a huge Harry Potter fan, of course this interests me! It’s no coincidence that J.K. Rowling named Harry’s magic godfather (you see what I did there? ;-)) Sirius. The Sirius star is thought to bestow wealth, good fortune, honour, passion, power, and extra creativity to all who are open to receive it! In ancient Egypt, this time was associated with the rise of the Nile River each year, which watered the crops and livestock, ensuring a prosperous harvest and a continuation of life as they knew it.
When we look at the number 8, we see both the infinity sign and the helix of our DNA. Infinite possibilities for renewing life. No beginning or end of balance and harmony. The cycles of life found in nature, and within our own inner beings. Lofty goals to work towards, perhaps, but hadn’t we better try? Creating a world that is infinitely loving, generous, just, and abundant? Is there a small way that we can work towards that today? And why Lion? Well, this is the time of Leo, or Lion, in Astrology. One of my favourite local attractions in my hometown is a large-animal rescue. It’s rarely crowded and has benches close to the enclosures to the rehabbing animals. I can sit for hours and watch the lions. I’m not really a cat person, but I love the lions. They are fierce and beautiful. They are not concerned with small matters - self-esteem does NOT seem to be a problem for cats in general, come to think of it! When a lion wants to be seen, it’s seen! They prowl from a place of self-assuredness … when they stumble or make a misstep, they literally shake it off and keep going! How beautiful would the word be if we used our gifts as creators and shared them with the world with the confidence of a lion? Can you imagine how wonderful that would be?? If we could ALL, move out of our own ways, to share our souls? How much inspiration would be available if we didn’t all judge our efforts as unworthy and not good enough, but bellied up and bared our souls for the world to see? If we could all respond with love and kindness, without fear of rejection, ridicule, or others using our weaknesses to their advantage? If the Wizard from Oz could give us all that same courage, how would you use it? So whether we believe in or follow astrology or not, maybe there’s a challenge here for us. Maybe this is the call you’ve been waiting for to create a little heaven on earth! Want to learn more about tapping into your creativity? Check out our latest "go at your own pace" course - Creating the Creator! Our creativity course includes a reading on tapping into your creativity, 3 accessible yoga practices, a journaling guide, and a special guide introducing art as meditation.
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